Ever Eden Resort 

If you'd like to stay in the same Hotel as the Bride and Groom, please proceed with the booking of your rooms at the Ever Eden Hotel. 

Booking Link:


Promo Code: ChimandAbimbolaWedding (To be completed in the Promotional Code Box) 

Important information regarding the provided booking link:

The link will remain valid until 17/08/2025. The provided link is valid for the date range between September 16th - September 20th 2025. The discounted link offers 15% discount on all room types and rates. 

Dolce Attica Riviera Resort

If you'd prefer to stay in another area in Athens, we've selected the Dolce Attica Riviera Hotel. Please proceed with the booking of your rooms with the provided link below:

Booking Link:  


Promo code:  AC2025  

Important information regarding the provided booking link:

The promo code is valid between the dates September 16th - September 20th 2025. The discounted link offers 10% discount on all room types and rates.

Three Olive Trees Apartment Hotel

Booking Link: 


Hotel London

Booking Link:


Athens Coast Hotel

Booking Link: 


Palmyra Beach Hotel

Booking Link: 
